W&D Goes West: The Santa Fe, NM Travel Guide!

Oh, Santa Fe. You won my heart over as soon as I caught a whiff of pinion wood in the air. Joe and I recently traveled to Santa Fe to celebrate our five-year anniversary. I was feeling desperate to explore somewhere new and I had heard rumblings here and there from other designers who found […]

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W&D City Guide: The Paris Edition!

Finally! I’m sharing the little Paris guide my friend Dee and I put together for our trip last month. This is FAR from an all-encompassing guide to shopping, eating, and sightseeing in the city but it includes what we most wanted to check off our itinerary. We hope it helps you enjoy your time in […]

The post W&D City Guide: The Paris Edition! appeared first on Wit & Delight | Designing a Life Well-Lived.